More GIMP charting 3

These are quick notes from some of my continuing experiments, not explicit how-tos or item patterns. Possible lengthening of designs dependent upon knitting technique is not considered; the “charts” were created keeping the aspect ratio of the original motif. The initial images are copyright free.

from scanned B/W source, 200 pixels X 227

open document

Image_Mode_B&W 1 bit indexed_ Convert

Image Scale 200 wide down to 50

areas were “cleaned up” using single-pixel pencil, when satisfactory capture window with grid enlarged for working graph,  or remove the grid, export in format for download

this is a partial repeat of a large black and white .png image

working with a smaller, random selection

Open image

Image_Mode_B&W 1 bit indexed_ Convert

enlarge, show grid, decide on the accuracy of repeat,  when OK, graph or export and knit, no clean up required for this one

Filter_Map_Tile_magnifying result  will test the accuracy of the repeat

the motif was a random crop, with obvious issues, more work would need to be done with the original image to isolate the proper section for tiling accuracy to occur

a multicolor image 143 pixels X 112

Image_Mode_Indexed _3 color (manual change from 4 to 3)

Image scale to 100 pixels wide

Enlarge for viewing grid and/or cleaning up; result yields 2 repeats that could be used 50 sts wide each, leaves could use a bit more detail

a partial image grab, pre any “corrections”

if color separations are needed for software that can superimpose colors and do the necessary color changer manipulations cues a link on color separations for screen printing provides some ideas. Another method

Tools_Selection Tools_By Color Select


Create new document the same dimensions


repeat for each color

the results: the flower is actually in the “wrong place” even with what appeared to be the same document settings

easier and “on the spot”:

Tools_Selection Tools_By Color Select

Click on color one (flower)


Fuzzy select, click on the screen outside of the image: the result

Re-open original image

Tools_Selection Tools_By Color Select

Click on color two (leaves)

Edit _ Cut

Fuzzy select, click on the screen outside of the image: the result







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