Eons ago I had “saved” a random copy of a japanese punchcard pattern in the someday I will figure it out pile. I was attracted by its opennes and what appeared to look like ladders as well as holes in the small B/W photograph. I have more experience in knitting and understanding of lace now, and in the process of studio clean up and paper possible recycling I found my “future project” and thought I would “tackle” it
the card
As can be noted in numbered markings, the card is a studio lace card. In addition, between series of transfers there is a single blank row = a single row of knit as opposed to the 2 rows commonly seen in brother’s kms’ lace
my mylar repeat, with notes on R sidebar as to # of LC passes, rows knit
the method: with no repeat adjustments or conversions
I began with lace (LC) carriage on left (OL), knit (KC) carriage on right (OR). Because a selection row is required for the first transfers row to occur, I added one row to each of the suggested lace pass sequences marked on the punchcard. The LC as a result travels an odd number of rows. It will begin on the side opposite from, and move toward the KC. At the end of each of the odd numbered row sequences it will reach the same side as the KC. At that point there will not be any needle selection. The LC is released from the needle bed, and the KC knits only one row to the opposite side and remains there. The LC returns to the bed opposite to the KC, and the sequence is below is repeated:
LCOL 9 passes, release
KCOR knit one row to left
LCOR 7 passes, release
KCOL knit one row to right
LCOL 5 passes, release
KCOR one row to left
LCOR 3 passes. release
KCOL knit one row to right
I used a waste yarn acrylic for my swatch, which became scratchy, flat and stiff, losing any texture when pressed, and shrinking a bit so as to almost looking felted, yet another reminder test small swatches fefore committing to larger pieces. Here is the result
knit side
purl side
a new day, a different fiber, the joy of not noticing dropped stitches
“unblocked”, rayon yarna bit closer, after light pressing
for sample knit on 930 with img2 track please see later post
Gorgeous! Thanks for swatching and sharing.