Using punchcards to track cables and twists in pattern 2

This post was originally written intended for punchcard machines only, with the passage of time electronic pattern tracking, samples and associated repeats were shared. Links to some later posts including cable manipulation and patterning 2023/05/30/a-return-to-plaiting-and-double-bed-hand-transfers/ 2021/03/11/slip-stitch-patterns-with-hand-transferred-stitches-double-bed/ 2021/02/01/slip-stitch-patterns-with-hand-transferred-stitches/ 2021/05/09/double-bed-embossed-patterns/ 2012/01/19/using-punchcards-to-track-small-cables-in-pattern-1/  2011: Cables seem to be in vogue once again in myriad permutations. They pose some interesting … Continue reading Using punchcards to track cables and twists in pattern 2