DAK DBJ color separations, templates, other software

Over the years I have written on an assortment of methods for color separation in knits including DBJ, a summary post with links to previous shares: dbj-and-color-separations-some-previous-posts-links/ and in the-start-of-a-blog-index/ A variety of textures and patterns may be used to achieve fabrics that are very different in appearance, using a very simple pattern along with cam … Continue reading DAK DBJ color separations, templates, other software

More separations for various knits using Gimp, color to alpha

WORK IN PROGRESS a caution: 4/26/24 Gimp crashed repeatedly at the step when I tried to copy the brush from the clipboard to bucket fill any images with the pattern. The same reoccurred after an iMac restart and after a Gimp reinstall. The problems appear to have been eliminated by uninstalling 2.10.36 and downloading and … Continue reading More separations for various knits using Gimp, color to alpha

DBJ, more than 2 colors per row 4

Revisiting older posts often brings to mind new or slightly different ways of looking at and achieving the same tasks. Links to some related previous posts: DAK DBJ color separations, templates, and other software Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 2 Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 1 Img2track_multiple colors per row dbj, each color … Continue reading DBJ, more than 2 colors per row 4

Blistered dbj 3

Names referring to the same knit fabric can vary between machine manuals for specific models and brands or references in books, magazines, and articles depending on the dates they were published. My earlier share on the topic: Blistered stitches dbj 1 Blistered DBJ 2 and technique variations on a single repeat, introduced some of the … Continue reading Blistered dbj 3

Blistered DBJ 2 and technique variations on a single repeat

Blistered stitches DBJ began to explore some variations for the production of easy knits which resulted in pockets separated by areas of joined stitches, and depending on the design and whether one bed knits more stitches and rows than the other, can make the surface appear 3D to varying degrees. There are several things to consider … Continue reading Blistered DBJ 2 and technique variations on a single repeat

Color separations for larger scale mosaics and mazes

There are generators online for many generators to aid with knitting design. In 2015 I published a post on working with generated mazes: Gimp charting 1 The mosaic and maze graphics prior to their color separations are not suitable for fantasy fair isle double bed knitting as a shortcut. There are simply too many vertical … Continue reading Color separations for larger scale mosaics and mazes

Gimp Update for Mac 3_more on color separations

The latest version Gimp Download site I am self-taught. As I learn new tools, my workarounds may be convoluted and more complicated than they need to be and evolve with time. I do not delete older posts or their content, but do occasionally add links to later posts or dated notes. I began designing and charting … Continue reading Gimp Update for Mac 3_more on color separations

DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 3

Previously published related posts: Img2track_multiple colors per row dbj, each color knitting only once 1/21 DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 2 12/19 DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 1 12/19  Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 2 1/20 Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 1 1/20 Reducing the number of rows on the front … Continue reading DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 3

Multiple color drop stitch lace using img2track and more

WORK IN PROGRESS There are many fabrics where samples may be knit using the proper color separation and released just prior to binding off. Samples and designs may be found in several of my previous posts. End release is a possibility depending on how the repeat is programmed but does not always produce good results. … Continue reading Multiple color drop stitch lace using img2track and more

Using Layers in Gimp for color separations

2023 The layers menu in Gimp 2.10.34 no longer offers the difference mode. From the manual: “If you need to stay compatible with older GIMP versions or you need to use the legacy layer modes for other reasons, look for the icon to the right of the layer modes selection. This drop-down menu will let you … Continue reading Using Layers in Gimp for color separations