From 2012, Numbers 3.2.2: printing graph paper to desired cell dimensions: I chose to change preference for rulers to point units (options are for centimeters, inches, and points). Online conversion between units of measurement and PostScript points may be calculated (if needed) using calculators ie. default cell size in cm and points Click on the table icon … Continue reading Charting knits using Mac Numbers 2
I was recently asked about hem-making techniques, here are copies of some of my handouts in the intro to knitting classes on the topic. A good illustration from an early model Brother manual illustrates the transitions in tensions and their use, settings will of course depend on the yarn being used
Periodically the question of printing blank templates for DIY drawings or images from published sources to scale to produce traceable images used to mark cards for punching is asked in forums and very recently in Ravelry. I primarily use Apple and open-source free software in my work. Creating knit graph paper on Mac, using Excel … Continue reading Mac experiments on printing needle tapes and punchcard templates to scale and other tips
The latest version of Gimp for Mac includes many small changes which come with no announcements and take a bit of sorting out to recognize or problem-solve. There are good collections of Youtube videos intended for use on much larger files, with fewer color restrictions than images used for knitting. A dock is a container … Continue reading Gimp 4, pattern fill, dithered portraits, and more.
I am taking a break from lace, the two posts so far on using the module reflect my own experiences outside the program’s environment. The latter will continue to be the focus of my future posts when exploring the use of the software, with testing specifically aimed at adapting or using any of the Stitch … Continue reading DAK lace module 2, template use, other software
The latest Gimp update 2023: Threshold in version 2.10.34 is now disabled by default. To activate it or to add other tools ie curves to the tool menu, go to Gimp, Settings, and select Toolbox. In the Tools Configuration Window, active tools have a common icon to their left, new ones may be selected and … Continue reading Gimp update for Mac 2
I have written extensively on mosaics and mazes, color separations required for drawing their motifs, and visualizing the resulting patterns while planning slip stitch or tuck repeats. A recent exchange with a knitting friend, Tanya Cunningham, brought up her idea of using Gimp to investigate the potential of self-drawn tuck patterns becoming pleasing mazes or … Continue reading Visualizing maze or mosaic potential from tuck or slip stitch repeats
WORK IN PROGRESS BUTTONHOLES: also see SEAMING, JOINING, FINISHING Long vertical button holes/ slits in knit fabric 1: intarsia 10/22 More “buttonholes” and slits 10/22 Single bed slits aka horizontal “button holes” 11/16 “Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace” 5/15 hand-knit CABLE STITCHES A return to plaiting and double bed hand transfers 5/23 Visualizing … Continue reading The start of a blog index
WORK IN PROGRESS Copyright can be a touchy, sometimes murky subject. In my teaching days at a design school, each instructor was responsible for accumulating what amounted to a “textbook” with any expected readings and required information for students attending the classes. There was an arrangement with a single copy center that actually paid a … Continue reading Beginner’s corner
There are many ways of casting on and binding off both single and double-bed. Ultimately, if it is important to have the top and bottom of the piece match as closely as possible in finishing, the only way to achieve that is to start with waste knitting and a long enough yarn end (wrap around … Continue reading Casting on, binding off single bed