Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages vs color changer, Brother punchcard KMs 2

After my recent attempt to resurrect my single bed color changer and frustration with my 910 behaving “flaky” when reading mylar sheets drawn using template marking pencils (perhaps, because over time of some of the marks flaking off the surface of the mylar, with changes their density as a result), I went back to the idea … Continue reading Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages vs color changer, Brother punchcard KMs 2

A bit of holding 3: shape variations and more

Hand-knit spiraling shawls and shawlettes often involve shaping on every row. Increasing essentially requires casting on one or more stitches. Below are cast on illustrations from varied sources I used in handouts in my intro to knitting classes A simple decrease occurs when the last stitch on either side is transferred moving away from the carriage, the … Continue reading A bit of holding 3: shape variations and more

Weaving drafts as inspiration for other textile techniques

July 2021: since this post was published I have written on using a combination of Mac Numbers and Gimp to modify repeats from punchcard and electronic published sources including: Numbers and GIMP: online punchcard patterns to electronics Numbers and GIMP: online punchcard patterns to electronics 2 Numbers to GIMP to create images for electronic download … Continue reading Weaving drafts as inspiration for other textile techniques

More slip stitch experiments

Slip-stitch fabrics are capable of creating interesting textures. When blocks of stitches are slipped, the floats that may appear on the purl side are considered problematic by some knitters. One solution is to work using mosaic and maze “floatless FI” designs. This was addressed in previous posts, including color separation methods for planning them, and … Continue reading More slip stitch experiments

Machine knit cables: using patterning as a guide to transfers

If you have a machine that selects needles to the forward position, you may use a punchcard, mylar sheet, or program to select needles for indicating cable placements. On the single bed, the selected needles act as the signal to actually create the cable crosses. When working on the double bed, the needle selection on the … Continue reading Machine knit cables: using patterning as a guide to transfers

Ruching 2: more working with stitch groups

Reviewed and in the process of being edited with added charts and photos  12/2022. My working and presentation methods have evolved, resulting from evolving working methods and skill in using the new generations of available hardware and software including new generation iPhones with their built-in cameras. This post will continue as a hybrid of sorts. The … Continue reading Ruching 2: more working with stitch groups

Some notes on machine knitting color changers

One double-bed example, the Brother 900 E DB changer for use on both standard and bulky The Studio/singer YC6 may be used either on the single or double bed simply by repositioning one piece. It includes a 4 color tension unit, a special sinker plate,  and a set of cards that are for use only for … Continue reading Some notes on machine knitting color changers

Holding stitches/ short rows

I am planning a thread on motifs and miters, here is a brief review of holding stitches in preparation: short rows are just that. Instead of going the full width of your stitches across, you knit only a portion of the stitches on the machine, turn, and go back to the beginning, which results in … Continue reading Holding stitches/ short rows

Fair Isle single bed 1: float control

Fair isle is the name given to a pattern knitted with 2 colors in each row.  The motifs are easily identified by looking at the holes in the punchcard, or squares on mylar, pixels in programs. While I will be referring to punch card knitting, the same principles apply. Your knit swatch will look like … Continue reading Fair Isle single bed 1: float control

Block slip stitch separations

“Pinning” has become part of my daily routine. This image was pinned by someone else, and brought back memories of my block stitch scarves, along with the temptation for working out a new repeat, similar to that seen on the top of this jacket credited to Forquet. The term block stitch is one used in … Continue reading Block slip stitch separations