The start of a blog index


Long vertical button holes/ slits in knit fabric 1: intarsia 10/22
More “buttonholes” and slits 10/22

Single bed slits aka horizontal “button holes” 11/16
“Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace” 5/15 hand-knit

A return to plaiting and double bed hand transfers 5/23
Visualizing knit cables 3_ using Numbers and Gimp 1/22
Visualizing knit cables in color 2_ using Numbers and Gimp  12/21
Visualizing knit cables in color_ Excel  1/15
Knit charting in Mac Yosemite; visualizing knit cables  11/14
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed  2/21
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, single bed  2/21
Some cables to try, hand-knit 1/15
A hand-knit stitch tale 2: a bit of cables and lace, charting, HK to MK  7/14
Some cables to try, hand knit 1/15
Chain cable HK experiment  1/13

Machine knitting cables: single bed, 1 12/14
Machine knitting cables: single bed, introducing the ribber 1/15
Cables in color swatches2/15
Some “real” cables on KM
  swatches 1/12

Hand to machine, symbols 4: cables 2/13
A simple braided cable (and card) 1/12
Machine knit cables: using patterning as a guide to transfers 2/15
Using punchcards (3) or electronics to track small cables in pattern 7/23
Using punchcards to track cables and twists in pattern 2 12/11
Using punchcards to track small cables in pattern (1)  1/12
Holding and “cables”  12/11
Pretend/ mock cables 5 9/22
Pretend/ mock cables 4: revisiting i cords 1/13
Pretend/ mock cables 3  7/18
Pretend/ mock cables 2  1/14
Pretend/ mock cables 1: i-cords, holding 1/12
A few i-cords and more to try 1/12
Cables with lace transfers  12/11

More on casting on and binding off, random tips 11/23
More on standard and modified 1X1 and 2X2 ribs 11/22
More shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck patterning, fantasy fair isle   ribber latch tool bind off 2/22

Ribber cast ons: breaking the “rules”  12/19
Ribber cast on comb/ open stitch single bed cast on 2/17
Binding off, double bed 4/19

Casting on, double bed  5/19
Casting on, binding-off single bed  5/19
A look at single bed mock rib 1/17

Picot cast on for every needle rib  11/15
Racked ribber cast on and rib configuration tips  11/15
Transitions in ribbing from EON to FNR fabrics  11/15

Color reduction/conversions, Mac Os 3/13

Converted images,”representational knitting” 7/13
GIMP and dithering color reductions for B/W “portraits” 7/13
Atkinson dither GitHub (free) 7/13
GIMP color reductions for 2-color “portraits”  6/13
Color reduction/conversions, Mac Os  3/13

Charting shapes for automating short-row knitting and programming 3/16
Reading Japanese garment instructions; charting garment shaping 2/15
More on charting, foreign symbols, and cables 12/14
Creating knit graph paper on mac, using Excel and Numbers 10/14
Charting knits using Mac Numbers: color separations 1 10/13
Charting knits in Excel.10/13

Brioche in Pattern
Drop stitch lace/Lace/Openwork using the ribber
Lace single bed 
Mosaics and mazes

On my crochet hook 8/12

Illusion DIY patterns in crochet  3/17


Return to circles, knit and crochet “pies” 1  2/17
Machine knit fringes 2/ pretend hairpin lace 10/19
”Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: tuck lace trims or fabrics 3  12/17
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: tuck lace trims or fabrics 2  6/17
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: tuck lace trims and fabrics 1  6/17
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: working with short rows 2 8/21

“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: working with short rows 1 6/17
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: working with “chains”  6/17
MK ladders, and a bit of crochet  12/16
HK trim as MK edging 12/13

General info
Double jacquard using punchcard machines 3/18 downloadable docs

More on Brother DBJ, including KR 260 bulky KM options  4/19
A  return to Brother ribber and DBJ settings 11/17
A simple shape, an exercise in DBJ, Brother KM 4/15
DBJ test pattern and settings PDF
DBJ punching cards PDF 4/13
Double-jacquard-2 4/13

Double-jacquard 1 4/13
A ladder-back dbj quest

Reversible DBJ, Brother knitting machines 9/18
Ladderback double jacquard: backing variations 2/18
Quilting on the Brother KM 2, solid color back DBJ5/13
Vertical striper backing 5/13
DBJ_ Blistered stitches
Blistered dbj 3  7/23
Blistered stitches dbj 1/20
My first nonrepetitive DBJ explorations on 930 7/21

Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 2 1/20
Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 1 1/20

Mosaics and mazes charting meet Numbers, GIMP, and DBJ 6/19
Img2track_multiple colors per row dbj, each color knitting only once 1/21
DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 3 3/22
DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 2   img2track 12/19
DBJ: more than 2 colors per row 1

Reversible DBJ, Brother knitting machines 9/18
Two-color dbj, nonrepetitive images, electronic kms. 9/18
Double jacquard separations 4_ making them “work” 6/13
Double jacquard 3/ single bed multi-color slip 5/13
Double jacquard 2 4/13
Double jacquard 1 4/13
Knit QR code 1, repeats from BW images 2/13

Machine knit fringes 3 4/22
Plarn/tarn/ tarn my way 8/12

The tarn knit on Brother 260 8/12
Unconventional knitting tools 3/12
Wednesdays at the asylum: “Barbie” knitter stand 11/13
Plarn 11/11
Polymer clay buttons 11/11

DROP STITCH see lace/ ribber fabrics, openwork using the ribber 

Working with diagonal patterning in machine knitting 10/22
Shadow pleats with fair isle patterning 3/22
Revisiting fair isle, thread lace, 3D surface potential 2/22

Fair Isle single bed 1: float control 7/13
Fair isle variations and swatches 4/18
Visualizing knit cables in color 2_ using Numbers and Gimp 12/21
Measuring gauge swatches, general information 
Matching patterns across sweater bodies and sleeves 2/18
Adding hand techniques/ cables/ punchcard repeats  5/11
Lace meets FI on Brother machines  12/2
Scarf experiments 9/13

Altered patterning using bleach discharge on knits 1/17
Adding the ribber, FI on main bed Tubular machine knit fabrics: fair isle, Brother/Passap 11/1`7
Pintucks 1 vs shadow pleats 3/22 fair isle pintucks
Pattern Design Inspiration
A DIY large scale repeat adapted from an online published collection 02/25
Inspiration for varied stitches developed from a single chart 3/24
Small to large repeat figurative designs inspired by filet crochet charts 1/24
Dithered portraits 8/23

Developing tiled repeats suitable for multiple stitch types, including tuck 3/23
More Truchet-inspired tiles, a brief look at gradient filter use 2/23
Truchet/Smith inspired designs 2 meet ArahPaint 1/23
Truchet tilings design inspiration 1/23
Seasonal knits inspired by published repeats 2: hearts 1/24
Seasonal knits inspired by published repeats 1: winter themes 12/23
Small to large repeat figurative designs inspired by filet crochet charts 1/24
Swatches based on adapting random online published repeats 10/23
Binary alphabets 10/20
Hound’s tooth FI variations 3/13
Cellular automata charts for knitting, etc. 12/15
QR codes for knitting (2) or other textile techniques: “happy holidays” a few ways 11/15
Knit QR code 1, repeats from BW images 2/13

Getting seasonal: “happy hollow” 10/09

Continuing to explore felt postcards 3/09
Playtime 3/09
Back to the birds 9/09
More needle felting stage 1 3/09
A felt tale 12/08

Machine knit fringes 4, long loop patterning 4/22

Machine knit fringes 3 4/22
Machine fringes 2: mock hairpin lace  10/19
A collection of fringes 1 9/19
Long loops: a bit on method 8/1

Illusion /shadow knitting DIY designs_HK 6/13
HK pattern, software charting 2/13
Chain cable HK experiment 1/13
Mosaics and Mazes: Hand Knitting  9/12

On two needles knit and purl folds 3/12

More on those slanting lace leaves 2/12
Back to lace 2/12

Machine knit hems 2 2/17

Machine knit hems 1 7/15

Pretend/ mock cables 4: revisiting i-cords 1/13

The making of i-cords 1/12
A few i-cords and more to try 1/12

Long vertical button holes/ slits in knit fabric 1: intarsia 10/22
Intarsia without an intarsia carriage on Brother machines 5/21

Working with diagonal patterning in machine knitting 10/22
Cables and software for electronic download to knitting machines 11/21
Knitting machine history and information, Silver Reed + 11/20
Daisyknits Brother compatibility charts and history 10/20
Beginner’s corner 1/20
Taking knitting machines apart 3/18
Intro to knitting: gauge swatches 2/18
Some English machine knitting abbreviations 2/18

Brother KMs: punchcards and their use  9/15
Taking knitting machines apart: online resources 3/18
Punch cards to electronics: book symbols and samples 12/17
Brother KMs: punchcards and their use  9/15
More low tech: punchcard blanks  12/11
Machine models and accessories reference charts

Knitting machine history and information, Silver Reed +  11/20
Daisyknits  Brother compatibility charts and history  10/20
A quick review of plaiting on Brother machines 8/20
Garter bars and how to use them 7/18

Some notes on machine knitting color changers  1/14
Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages vs color changer, Brother punchcard KMs 2 5/17
Knit Leader

Using the Brother knitleader: some tips 12/13
Knitting gauge swatches   2/18
Plaiting feeders
A quick review of plaiting on Brother machines
Thread lace and punchcard knit carriage use on Brother 910_1
E6000 info 9/23
Traveling between brands, Duo and E6, settings and techniques 8/23
Recipes for rib jacquard fabrics: E6000, Brother 8/23
Passap Duomatic and Deco musings 8/23
Long stitch Passap and Brother DBJ designs using thick and thin yarns 8/23
Cross brand pattern interpretations: Dubied to Brother 2/23
Machine cross reference chart 3/18
Passap to Brother 6, exploring a possible tuck stitch design 6/23

A racking tale: Passap/Brother 3  9/19
Translating Passap model book pattern/use on Brother 1 8/19
Brother/Passap: traveling between brands  11/18
Fisherman_ English tuck stitch rib 1_ checks patterns_ Brother, Passap 10/18
Tubular machine knit fabrics: fair isle, Brother/Passap 11/17
Ribber pitch, a bit on racking 1:chevrons/ horizontal herringbone 1/16
Racking 2: vertical chevrons/ herringbone +Brother/Passap: traveling between brands  1/16
Pile knitting on Passap and Brother KMs 4 1/20

Pile knitting on Passap and Brother KMs 2  7/15
Pile knitting on Passap, Brother, and Studio KMs 1 7/15
Drop stitch lace, 2 colors per row, Passap KM 10/13
Knit bubbles and “stitch ditchers/dumpers” 9/12
Back to leaf lace, add rib, and take it to the Passap 3/12
Japanese punchcard motifs used in Passap E 6000 machines  4/11
Some studio electronic patterns translated for use on Brother KMs 8/20

Studio mylar use on brother machines 2  8/13
Using Studio mylar sheets on brother KMs 1  8/12
So many machines…lace punchcard knitting  4/11
Revisiting the use of lace patterns Studio vs Brother machines 2/19
Studio transfer lace knit on Brother 910 3/14
Studio multi-transfer lace punchcard use on Brother punchcard machines  3/15
Studio simple lace on Brother electronics  9/13
Studio simple lace punchcards used on Brother  3/13
Superba knitting 3/13

Using Studio mylar sheets on brother KMs 1  8/12
“hacks”_ adaptations 10/18 parts, accessories ie sinker plate modification, adding magnets
Brother 260 bulky
More on Brother DBJ, including KR 260 bulky KM options  4/19
Lace punchcards_use on the Brother 260 Bulky 5/11
Intarsia without an intarsia carriage on Brother machines 5/21
Knitting with multiple carriages

Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages vs color changer, Brother punchcard KMs 2 5/17
Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages, Brother punchcard KMs 1
Revisiting knitting with 2 carriages single bed, 910 vs Ayab so far 4/18
Knitting with 2 carriages  3/11
Geometric shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck stitches 2; knitting with 4 carriages  3/19
Ribber fabrics produced with 2 knit carriages selecting needles  4/18
Adding Magnets
Thread lace and punchcard knit carriage use on Brother 910_1  12/15
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch 2  7/20
Maintenance and repairs
Racking handle mechanical problem and repair  9/19

Taking a machine apart  3/18
Knitting machine maintenance advice 😉 5/15
Not all parts are created equal: sinker plates 5/13
Mac experiments on printing needle tapes and punchcard templates 3/24
Using punchcards (3) or electronics to track small cables in pattern 7/23
Using  punchcards to track cables and twists in pattern 2 12/11
Using punchcards to track small cables in pattern (1)  1/12

Punch cards to electronics: book symbols and samples 12/17
Unconventional uses for punchcards 1: tracking racking positions in ribbed fabric 11/15

More low-tech 12/11
Sinker plates
Not all parts are created equal: sinker plates  5/13

Adjustments, arms
latch opening plates  5/19
Ribber arms/ sinker plates  9/18
Ribber setting options Brother machine 6/17

Ribber adjustments   1/15
Ribber fabrics produced with 2 knit carriages selecting needles 4/18
A bit on ribbers: Japanese KMs, alignment, and symbols 1 1/15

Cast on comb
Ribber cast on comb/ open stitch single bed cast on 2/17
Japanese KMs, alignment, and symbols 1  1/15
Racking handle
Racking mechanical problem and repair 9/19
Stitch dropping tools
Brother KMs “pile knitting”/ ribber stitch dropping tools 6/15
Knit bubbles and “stitch ditchers/dumpers” 9/12
Racked ribber cast on and rib configuration tips 11/15
Transitions in ribbing from EON to FNR fabrics 11/15
Marking needle bed, sponge bars 8/12

Double bed “cheat sheets” 2/15
Cables and software for electronic download to knitting machines 11/21
Playing with diamond and argyle repeats 3/25
Revisiting old color separations, testing present software methods 3/19
A DIY large scale repeat adapted from an online published collection 02/25
Developing 24-stitch optical illusion patterns for use on punchcard machines and more 6/24
DIY pattern design groups developed in 2 or more colors 12/24
Developing designs using pattern fill for use on a range of machine models 6/24
A collection of geometric design blocks built with squares, rectangles, and lines 6/23
Midjourney inspired knits 1: single bed diamond-shaped strips 04/23
More Truchet inspired tiles, a brief look at gradient filter use 2/23
Truchet/Smith inspired designs 2 meet ArahPaint 1/23
Truchet tiling design inspiration 1 1/23
Using Layers in Gimp for color separations 2/22
Machine or hand-knit symbols DIY charts with copy and paste in Gimp 12/21
ArahPaint in knit design 4 04/23
ArahPaint and Gimp in knit design 3 6/22
ArahPaint and Gimp in knit design 2 6/22
ArahPaint meets Gimp in knit design 9/21
Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 2 1/21
A return to Ayab knitting 8/20
Drop stitch lace using Ayab software 2/ HOP2/20
Revisiting Ayab_multiple colors per row DBJ 1/20
Ayab: short rows automated with slipstitch 5/18
Revisiting knitting with 2 carriages single bed, 910 vs Ayab so far 4/18
A Brother 910/ Ayab diary/ EMS kit 3/18
Quilting using Ayab software 2/18
Drop stitch lace using Ayab software1/18
Lace punchcards meet Ayab 1/18
DAK DBJ color separations, templates, other software 11/21

DAK lace module 2, template use, other software 10/21
DAK lace module 1, template use, other software 10/21
My DAK explorations 1 10/21
More separations for various knits using Gimp, color to alpha 4/24
Gimp 4, pattern fill, dithered portraits, and more  8/23
Gimp update for Mac 3 12/22
Gimp update for Mac 2 7/21
GIMP update for Mac 10/19
Machine or hand-knit symbols DIY charts with copy and paste in Gimp 12/21

Multiple-color drop stitch lace using img2track and more 2/22
ArahPaint meets Gimp in knit design 9/21
Using layers in Gimp for color separations 2/22
Visualizing knit cables in color 2_ using Numbers and Gimp 12/21
Gimp to create text for knitting 1/21
Revisiting knit graph papers, charting, row tracking, and more 4/18

Creating knit graph paper on mac, using Excel and Numbers 3/14
Revisiting GIMP in knit design 1/18
Numbers and GIMP: online punchcard patterns to electronics  12/20
Numbers to GIMP to create images for electronic download 7/18
Charting knits using Mac Numbers 2 5/18
Charting knits using Mac Numbers: color separations 2  5/18  quilting mosaics dbj

Mosaics and mazes charting meet Numbers, Gimp 3 1/21
Mosaics, mazes, and DBJ charting meet Numbers, GIMP 2  10/20
Mosaics and mazes charting meet Numbers, GIMP, and DBJ  6/19
A lace mesh series: GIMP, superimposing, Brother 910  8/17
A complex published transfer lace to electronic repeat for download/ GIMP editing 7/18
Double Jacquard and color separations: some previous posts, links, hints 10/17

A lace mesh series: using GIMP  8/17
Charting knits using Mac Numbers: color separations 2  3/18
Charting knits using Mac Numbers: color separations 1  10/13
Charting knits using Mac Numbers 2  5/18
Charting knits using Mac Numbers program 1  10/13
GIMP color reductions for 2 color “portraits” 6/13
More GIMP charting 3 6/13
GIMP software 2 6/13
GIMP software 1 6/13
Visualizing knit cables in color_ Excel 1/15
Charting knits in Excel. online resources 10/13
Block slip stitch separations 5/13
Color separations for knits: Mac Numbers (3), some Excel 11/13
Machine or hand-knit symbols DIY charts with copy and paste in Gimp 12/21
Symbols in knitting charts 11/21
Revisiting lace repeats, symbols, and charting 10/21
Punch cards to electronics: book symbols and samples, 12/17
More on charting, foreign symbols, and cables, 12/14
Machine or hand-knit symbols, DIY charts with copy and paste in Gimp, 7/14
Machine knitting symbols, 8/13
Symbols to punchcard 1 2/13
Hand to machine, symbols 6 12/21

Hand to machine symbols 5: lace 7/13
Hand to machine, symbols 4: cables 2/13
Hand to machine, symbols 3 2/13
Hand to machine, symbols 2 1/13
Hand to machine knitting symbols 1 1/13
Some English machine knitting abbreviations 2/18
A hand-knit to machine knit slip stitch 5/20
Knit terms: translations 2/12

Machine knitting yarns info 6/17
Knitting with “unusual” fibers
Knitting with “unusual” fibers/ elastic 2 8/20
Knitting with “unusual” fibers/ elastic 1 1/20

KNIT WEAVING – also see long loops
Tuck stitch meets knit-weaving 8/23
Knit weaving 5: manipulated floats 8/24
Knit weaving 4: combining stitch types 7/24
Knit weaving 3  5/24
Knit weaving 2: swatches, experiments 2/21
Knit weaving 1 2/21
Lace meets weaving on Brother Machines 2 12/20
Lace meets weaving on Brother Machines 11/20

 “Lace” patterning without transfers 12/20 includes list of knit structures also referred to as lace 
Punchcard knitting
Unconventional uses for punchcards 3: lace in rib 11/20
Lace point cams on Brother machines 10/17

From hand-knit and electronic charts to  punchcards Revisiting lace repeats, symbols, and charting 10/21
From hand-knit lace chart to punchcard 1  7/13

From hand-knit lace chart to punchcard 2 7/13
From lace chart to punchcard 3: adding stripes 7/13
From lace chart to punchcard 4: a border tale 7/13
From lace chart to punchcard 5 to electronic 7/13
From lace chart to punchcard 6, to electronic  8/13
Lace punchcards_use on the Brother 260 Bulky  5/11
From electronic repeat to punchcard  4/11
So many machines…lace punchcard knitting 4/11

Electronic knitting
A lace quest 11/20

Punch cards to electronics: book symbols and samples  12/17
Lace punchcards meet Ayab 1/18
A complex published transfer lace to electronic repeat for download/ GIMP editing 2/19
also see Lace meets slip and hold,  goes around, edgings and ruffles
Cross-brand lace patterning 

Lace knitting tips, to mesh or not to mesh 7  7/20
Revisiting the use of lace patterns Studio vs Brother machines 2/19
Studio transfer lace knit on Brother 910 3/14
Studio multi-transfer lace punchcard use on Brother punchcard machines  3/15
Studio simple lace on Brother electronics  9/13
Studio simple lace punchcards used on Brother  3/13
Lace punchcards_use on the Brother 260 Bulky 5/11
So many machines…lace punchcard knitting  4/11
Bubbles see Openwork using the ribber: Drop stitch lace
A hand-knit stitch tale 2: a bit of cables and lace, charting, HK to MK 7/14
A hand-knit stitch tale 16/14
A swatch experiment1/15 Dragon scales
“Camino” bubbles, hand-knit 10/17
“Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace”5/15
My HK leaf scarf, chart download 3/12
HK leaf and lace symbols2/12
Back to lace2/12 hand-knit leaf
Victorian Lace 8/12 online reference
Lace meets slip and hold,  goes around, ruffles, edgings  

Automated shapes across rows of knitting using slip stitch only  10/20
From automated lace edging pattern to doilies and ruffles  7/20
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch 3  6/24
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch 2 7/20
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch 3/18
Return to circles, knit and crochet “pies” 1  2/17

Doilies: Lace meets hold and goes around  3/11
The “doilies”_swatches  3/11
Lace meshes
A bit of seasonal lace mesh_charted_Intwined 11/13 star shape

Lace mesh motif charting_ Mac Numbers_ a touch of Excel 12/13
To mesh or not to mesh 1  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 2  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 3  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 4 5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 5 7/17
To mesh or not to mesh 6: chevrons 6/20
Lace knitting tips, to mesh or not to mesh 7  7/20
To mesh or not to mesh 8: more on mock filet design  12/21
To mesh or not to mesh 9: more on mock filet design 12/21
Unconventional uses for punchcards 3: lace in rib 11/20

Unconventional uses for punchcards 2: thread lace cards for “filet” mesh  8/17
Unconventional uses for punchcards 2: thread lace cards for “filet” mesh  8/17

A lace mesh series: GIMP, superimposing, Brother 910 8/17
A lace mesh series: using GIMP  8/17

Hand-knit lace to KM: combining different meshes, alternative methods 3/14
Lace mesh motif charting_ Mac Numbers_ a touch of Excel 12/13
Filling empty needles after transfers 3/12
The “joys” of lace on the KM 3/12

Mock “Filet”
A lace mesh series: using GIMP  8/17
To mesh or not to mesh 1  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 2  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 3  5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 4 5/11
To mesh or not to mesh 5 7/17 a collection of mesh design repeats
To mesh or not to mesh 6: chevrons 6/20|
Lace knitting tips, to mesh or not to mesh 7  7/20
To mesh or not to mesh 8: more Numbers meet Gimp 5/21
To mesh or not to mesh 9: more on mock filet design
Unconventional uses for punchcards 2: thread lace cards for “filet” mesh  8/17
Large eyelet lace
To mesh or not to mesh 10: more large eyelet variations 1/24
Large scale mesh, a punchcard repeat adapted for electronic 4/21

Revisiting large eyelet lace, hand transferred (or not) 7/20
Large scale mesh, breaking the rules  4/11
Large diagonal eyelet lace  6/12
Large eyelet lace, hand transferred (or not) 9/13
Single bed slits aka horizontal “button holes” 11/16
“Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace”  5/15

Lace in every needle rib
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed 3/21 
Brother shadow lace, rib transfer carriage 2/21
Unconventional uses for punchcards 3: lace in rib 11/20

Patterned 2 color ribbed brioche on Brother machines 2 3/19
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib in 2 colors on Brother KM 1 1/19
Lace motifs- also see mesh posts
A lace quest  11/20

A block lace pattern on the KM 1
A block lace pattern on KM 2 (electronic LC, HT) 6/15
A block lace pattern on KM 3 (punchcard, LC, HT) 6/15
Zig Zag ladder lace 1: on the knitting machine 5/15

Zig Zag ladder lace 2: hand knit  5/15
Machine knit “dragon scales” update  3/15

A swatch experiment  dragon scales 1/15
Single bed scales made with stitch transfers 6/20
Revisiting lace leaf design repeats 2 2/24
Revisiting lace leaf designs 1 1/24
A lace “shell” want to be, a few ways 4/14
A new “leaf” lace 4/17
Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 2 3/15
Back to leaf lace, add rib, and take it to the Passap 3/12
More on those slanting lace leaves 2/12
Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 1 3/15
Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 2  3/15
Getting there leaf motifs 3/12
Yes, a punchcard is possible leaf motifs 3/12
A bit of seasonal lace mesh_charted_Intwined 11/13 star

Color striping 
Striping in lace fabrics 1   3/14
From lace chart to punchcard 3: adding stripes 7/13
Lace Combined with other stitch types
Lace with fair isle
Lace meets FI on Brother machines  12/20
Lace with tuck stitch

Lace meets tuck on Brother machines 12/20
Tuck stitch/ combination fabrics 5/19
Large diagonal eyelet lace 6/12
Combining tuck stitches with lace 2 (automating them) 3/15

Combining tuck stitches with lace 1 3/15
Lace with weaving
Lace meets weaving on Brother Machines 2 12/20

Lace meets weaving on Brother Machines 11/20
Long stitch
Long stitches meet transfer lace 11/19
Ladder Lace
Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 1 3/15

Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 2 3/15
Ladder lace8/13
Ladders and Lace8/13
MK ladders, and a bit of crochet 12/16
see tuck with needles out of work, tuck lace
Openwork created with slits, long stitches, and loops
Machine knit fringes 2/ pretend hairpin lace10/19

Single bed slits aka horizontal “buttonholes”11/16
Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace”5/15
Long stitches meet transfer lace   ribber11/19
Some long stitch/loop swatches/ single bed 8/12
Long stitches on KM (single bed) 8/12

Broomstick lace on the knitting machine 5/15
A hand-knit stitch tale 2: cables and lace charting, HK to MK 7/14
Openwork using the ribber: Drop stitch lace
Making a 2-color drop stitch “work” 2/22
Multiple-color drop stitch lace using img2track and more 2/22
Revisiting drop/release stitch lace 1  11/17
Drop stitch lace using Ayab software 1/18
Drop stitch lace using Ayab software 2/ HOP 2/20
Geometric shapes in drop stitch lace 3, end release  6/15
Geometric shapes in drop stitch lace 2, Brother KM  6/15
Geometric shapes in drop stitch lace 1, Brother KM  6/15
Drop stitch lace, 2 colors per row, Passap KM 10/13
Drop stitch lace, 2 colors per row, Japanese machines  10/13
Revisiting knit “bubbles” brother KM 10/17
A bubbles cousin 9/13

More knit bubbles  9/13
Knit bubbles and “stitch ditchers/dumpers”  9/12
Working out the kinks in my drop stitch lace saga  9/12
Studio simple lace on Brother machines see cross-brand lace patterning
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed 3/21 
Pleats created with lace transfers 8/17
“Lace” tuck stitch with NOOW
Tuck “lace” trims (and fabrics 1) 6/17

Tuck “lace” trims (and fabrics 2)6/17
Tuck “lace” trims or fabrics 312/17
Automating tuck stitches combined with “lace” 2 6/17
Combining tuck stitches with “lace” 1 3/15
Thread “Lace”
Revisiting fair isle, thread lace, 3D surface potential 2/22
Tuck stitch meets thread lace repeats and vice versa  2/19

Unconventional uses for punchcards 2: thread lace cards for “filet” mesh  8/17
Thread Lace on Brother KM  11/16
Thread lace and punchcard knit carriage use on Brother 910_1  12/15
Thread lace and punchcard knit carriage use on Brother 910_2   ribber  12/15
My lace journey
A shawl tale 2 4/17

A lacework in progress  5/15
My newest lace patterns  7/12
The joys of lace on the KM  3/12
Back to knitting and lace   7/11
Blocking boards: making your own 3/11
Look Ma, missing holes! A saga begins…  4/1
So many ways to add to my grey hair 7/11
Lace crankiness: some tips  3/11
On the blocking board 2/11
In progress 2/11
Beginnings 2/11
New directions 2/11
A “figlet” moment 3/11
New directions 2/11

Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 1 3/15

Ladders with lace, (leaf) “making things work” 2 3/15
Ladder lace8/13
Ladders and Lace8/13
MK ladders, and a bit of crochet 12/16
Tuck “lace” trims (and fabrics 1) 6/17
Tuck “lace” trims (and fabrics 2)6/17
Tuck “lace” trims or fabrics 312/17
Automating tuck stitches combined with “lace” 2 6/17
Combining tuck stitches with “lace” 1 3/15

Single bed
Long stitches meet transfer lace 11/19

Some long stitch/loop swatches/ single bed 8/12
Long loops: a bit on method 8/12
Long-stitches-on-km/ 8/12
Some-long-stitch-swatches, single bed  6/12
Machine knit fringes 4, long loop patterning 4/22
Machine knit fringes 3 4/22
Machine fringes 2: mock hairpin lace  10/19
A collection of fringes 1 9/19
Double bed: see drop stitch lace

Figurative designs in mosaic knitting 1/23
Color separations for larger-scale mosaics and mazes 1/23
Visualizing maze or mosaic potential from either tuck or slip stitch repeats 3/21

Mosaics and mazes charting meet Numbers, Gimp 3 1/21
Mosaic and mazes inspiration from additional sources  11/20
Mosaics, mazes, and DBJ charting meet Numbers, GIMP 2  10/20

Mosaics and mazes charting meet Numbers, GIMP, and DBJ   6/19
Working with generated mazes: GIMP charting 2  10/15
Working with generated mazes: GIMP charting 1  10/15
Mosaics and mazes from design to pattern   10/12
Mosaics and mazes from “FI” “universal” patterns  10/12
Mosaics and mazes: drawing motifs   5/13
Mosaics and mazes: knitting on the machines  9/12
Mosaics and mazes: Hand Knitting  9/12

Foreign language machine knitting youtube channels 1/20
Online Pattern generators, hacks, free KM manuals, and more 9/13 with frequent link reviews

QR codes for knitting (2) or other textile techniques: “happy holidays” a few ways 11/15

Single bed
Origami folds inspired pleats 1 6/19
Shadow pleats with added FI patterning 3/22
Shadow pleats knitting  5/19

Revisiting pleats on the knitting machine: single bed 5/18
Pleats created with lace transfers 8/17
Ruching 2: more working with stitch groups 2/14
Ruching 1: fern “pretender” and more 2/14

Pleats: automating “pleating”, single bed 1/13
Double bed
Pintucks 2, ripples in knits using the ribber 11/22
Pintucks 1 vs shadow pleats, fair isle pintucks 3/22
Origami-inspired 2: more pleats and fold using ribber 3/21
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed 3/21 

Knit and purl blocks to create folding fabric_ “pleats”  7/18 
Pleats: ribbed, folding fabrics 4/15
On two needles knit and purl folds 3/12

Blisters, pintucks, ripples, knops
Blistered dbj 3 7/23
Blistered DBJ 2 and technique variations on a single repeat 03/23
Blistered stitches dbj 1/20
Pintucks 1 vs shadow pleats, fair isle pintucks 3/22
Brioche/tuck with transfers also see Tuck patterning
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib, 2 color ribbed brioche on Brother machines 2 3/19
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib in 2 colors on Brother KM 1 1/19
Casting on, binding off
More on standard and modified 1X1 and 2X2 ribs 11/22
Casting on, double bed  5/19
Ribber cast ons: breaking the “rules”  12/19
Picot cast on for every needle rib  11/15

Racked ribber cast on and rib configuration tips11/15
Ribber trims 4 11/22

Ribber trims 3: one trim, four variations 6/19
Ribber trims 2 6/19
Ribber trims/edgings 1 5/19
HK trim as MK edging 12/13
More shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck patterning, fantasy fair isle 2/22

Binding off, double bed 4/19
Seaming, joining and picking up stitches 3, ribbed knits  11/22
Twisted headband meet fisherman rib, seaming, variation ideas 12/19

Seaming, joining, and picking up stitches on knits 2 11/17
Transitions in ribbing from EON to FNR fabrics  11/15
Double Jacquard: see DBJ
Drop stitch: see lace, openwork using the ribber
Interlock explorations 2; adding needles out of work 5/21
Interlock explorations 1 5/21

Pile knitting aka carpet stitch
Pile knitting on Passap and Brother KMs 4 1/20
Pile knitting on Passap and Brother KMs 2  7/15
Pile knitting on Passap, Brother, and Studio KMs 1 7/15
Pile knitting on multiple brands   2/15
Brother KMs “pile knitting”/ ribber stitch dropping tools 6/15
Pintucks 2, ripples in knits using the ribber 11/22
Pintucks 1 vs shadow pleats, fair isle pintucks 3/22
Pleats: see PLEATS/ double bed or single bed

Quilting on the Brother KM 2, solid color back DBJ  5/13
References for double bed single color fabrics with pockets  12/19
Quilting using Ayab software  2/18
Revisiting machine knit “quilting” 2/18
Quilting on the knitting machine 1 single bed 5/13
Quilting on the Brother KM 2, solid color back DBJ 5/13
Double bed embossed patterns 5/21

Origami-inspired 2: more pleats and folds using ribber  3/21
Racking on EON rib: some considerations  11/19
Racking mechanical handle repair saga  9/19
Racked patterns 5: Passap/Brother 2 9/19
More dragon scales and chevrons in ribbed, racked (4) fabrics  7/19
Racking: Passap/Brother 3 9/19
More dragon scales and chevrons in ribbed, racked (4) fabrics 7/18
Ribber fabrics produced with 2 knit carriages selecting needles  4/18
Combining  knit carriage needle selection with racking 12/17
Vertical racking 3: automating half fisherman in pattern (2) 2/16
Racking 2: vertical chevrons/ herringbone + 1/16
Ribber pitch, a bit on racking 1:  chevrons/ horizontal herringbone  1/16
Picot cast on for every needle rib 11/15
Unconventional uses for punchcards 1: tracking racking positions in ribbed fabric 11/15

Racked ribber cast on 11/15
Transfers between beds
Transfers between needles on either or to and from both beds 8/20
Double bed embossed patterns5/21
Bowknot aka butterfly or dragonfly stitch in more than one color 3/21
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed 3/21
Brother shadow lace, rib transfer carriage 2/21
Slip stitch patterns with hand transferred stitches, double bed 3/21 includes dbj sample
Unconventional uses for punchcards 3: lace in rib 11/20
Ribber fabrics with stitch transfers between beds 1 8/20
Ribber fabrics with stitch transfers between beds 2 1/22
Origami-inspired 2: more pleats and folds using ribber 3/21
Origami-inspired 2: more pleats and fold using ribber 3/21
Knit and purl blocks to create folding fabric_ “pleats” 2/21
Pleats: ribbed, folding fabrics 4/15
Combining knit carriage needle selection with racking 12/17
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib, 2 color ribbed brioche on Brother machines 2 3/19
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib in 2 colors on Brother KM 1 1/19
Unconventional uses for punchcards 3: lace in rib 11/20
Trims and edgings; also see lace edgings
Ribber trims 4 11/22
Ribber trims 3: one trim, four variations 6/19
Ribber trims 2 6/19
Ribber trims/edgings 1 5/19
HK trim as MK edging 12/13
Tubular Fair Isle
Tubular machine knit fabrics: fair isle, Brother/Passap11/17
Tuck patterning
Passap to Brother 6, exploring a possible tuck stitch design 6/23
More shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck patterning, fantasy fair isle 2/22
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib, 2 colors, brioche on Brother KM 3/19
Lace transfers meet fisherman rib in 2 colors, brioche on Brother KM 1 1/19
Geometric shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck stitches 3   9/21
Geometric shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck stitches 2; knitting with 4 carriages 3/19
Geometric shapes on ribber fabrics with tuck stitches 1 2/19
Ribber fabrics with main bed tuck patterning 1/ pick rib 4/19
Fisherman and English tuck stitch rib 1_ checks patterns_ Brother, Passap 10/18

More buttonholes and slits 10/22
Seaming, joining and picking up stitches 3, ribbed knits  11/22
Seaming, joining and picking up stitches on knits 2 1/17

Seaming, joining and picking up stitches on knits 1 12/16
Single bed slits aka horizontal “button holes” 11/16
“Buttonholes” and “make many – increase” “lace” hand-knit 5/15

Working with diagonal patterning in machine knitting 10/22
Machine knit leaves using slip stitch with holding 6/20

“wisteria” cousin revisited (“holding” using slip stitch)  2/14
“Wisteria” cousin2 aka “fern leaf”, hand tech 2/14
“Wisteria” meets hems  7/19
“Wisteria” 2  2/12
“Wisteria” cousin 2 aka “fern leaf” and tech 2/14

Pretend/ mock cables 1: i-cords, holding  1/12
Holding and “cables” 12/11
Horizontal “cable”  2/12
Machine knit leaves automated with slip stitch 6/20
A return to short row shapings: bumps and slits meet entrelac  8/19
A return to short row shapings: bumps and slits  8/19
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: working with short rows 6/17
Garter bar/ short row trim  2/13
Back to that pie: a bit of holding  6/11
Knitting math and pies 6/11
Return to circles, knit “pies”, miters, and spirals 4  3/17
Return to circles, knit “pies” 3  3/17
Return to circles, knit “pies” 2 (round yokes and more)  3/17
Return to circles, knit and crochet “pies” 1  2/17
Return to circles, knit “pies” 2 (round yokes and more)  3/17
Revisiting miters, spirals, going square, round, and more  2/16
Return to circles, knit “pies”, miters, and spirals 4  3/17
Miters and spirals: visualizing, charting (and more) 3  7/14
Miters and spirals: visualizing, charting (and more) 2  7/14
Miters and spirals: visualizing, charting (and more) 1  7/14
Short rows_ balls, tams, 3D rounds  12/13
A tale of 2 donuts  9/15
Knit topological shapes  4/13
A bit of holding 5: intarsia and more 2  8/16
A bit of holding 4: intarsia and more  7/16
A bit of holding 3: shape variations and more  7/16
A bit of holding 2 / moving shapes around  6/16
A bit of holding 1 6/16
Ayab: short rows automated with slip stitch  5/18
Holding/short rows: hand tech to chart to automating with slip stitch 1  2/14
Automated shapes across rows of knitting using slip stitch only  10/20
Charting shapes for automating short-row knitting and programming 3/16
Entrelac pretender 3  4/13
Entrelac pretender 2  2/13
An entrelac pretender  2/13
It’s all math entrelacs 3/12
Lace knitting tips, to mesh or not to mesh 7  7/20

From automated lace edging pattern to doilies and ruffles  10/20
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch  7/20
Lace edgings on Brother machines- automated with slip stitch 2
Doilies: Lace meets hold and goes around  3/11
The “doilies”_swatches  3/11
Pleats: automating “pleating”, single bed  1/13
Revisiting automated shell shapes  3/20
“Automated” shell shapes  2/13
Thinking of modules: a shell “diary”  2/13
Brother punchcard KMs 2  5/17

A shawl tale 2  4/17
Taking it to a garment: 3b  7/11
Taking it to a garment: 3a  6/11
Taking it to a garment 2: donuts  6/11
Taking it to a garment 1; circles  6/11
Holding stitches/ short rows 12/13

More circles from squares   10/13
Back to circles from squares   7/13
Approaching “circular knits” on the machine: a series  6/11
A baktus tale 10/11


Revisiting 3D scales and shells, automated and not 11/23
A slip stitch patterned ruffle and more 11/23
More slip stitch experiments inspired by commercial designs  6/23
Automated shapes across rows of knitting using slip stitch only 10/20

Bowknot/ Butterfly stitch on the machine 11/17
A no longer “mystery pattern” 6/17 Knittax inspired
A random slip stitch 9/13
Block slip stitch separations 5/13
Knitting again, more block stitch, color changes 5/13
More slip-stitch experiments 4/15
Entrelac pretender 3 8/13
Entrelac pretender 2 2/13
An entrelac pretender 2/13

Slip stitch with manipulated stitches single bed, double bed
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, double bed 3/21 
Slip stitch patterns with hand-transferred stitches, single bed 2/21
A hand-knit consult to machine knit slip stitch 5/20

New swatches based on random sources of inspiration 2/25
Single bed tuck/ mostly slip stitch fabrics 3 10/20

Single bed tuck and slip stitch fabrics 2: adding color 9/20
Single bed tuck and slip stitch fabrics 1 9/20
Single bed tuck and slip stitch fabrics 2: adding color 9/20
Tuck and slip color striping 8/13

Sock knitting resources and ideas for machine knitting 12/19


Passap to Brother 6, exploring a possible tuck stitch design 6/23
Tuck stitch meets thread lace repeats and vice versa 2/19, design idea
Tuck stitch/ combination fabrics

Tuck stitch meets knit-weaving 8/23
Tuck stitch combination fabrics 5/19

Combining tuck stitches with lace 2 (automating them) 3/15
Combining tuck stitches with lace 1 3/15
Tuck and garter stitch: from hand knit to machine knit 12/15

“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: working with short rows 8/21
Tuck “Lace” tuck stitch with NOOW see “Lace” tuck stitch with NOOW
Also Ribber, tuck patterning 

Tuck trims 4 and other edgings 6/21
Pretend multi-color ribs 3/21
Tuck lace trims and fabrics 3 8/21
Tuck lace trims and fabrics 2 6/17
“Crochet” meets machine knitting techniques: tuck lace trims and fabrics 1 6/17


Machine knitting yarns info 6/17
Knitting with “unusual” fibers
Knitting with “unusual” fibers/ elastic 2 8/20
Knitting with “unusual” fibers/ elastic 1 1/20

MY WORK: garments and accessories
Fall knitting 10/11
Gris-Gris 8/09
Seaming, joining and picking up stitches on knits 1 12/16

Fall knits in my studio 11/14
Photos of my early work:
memory lane 1 4/13
memory lane 2 5/18

My new knitting projects 9/17

A lace WIP 5/15
My recent knits 11/13
A bit of fair isle 9/13
Knitting again, more block stitch, color changes 5/13
Knitting continues 11/12

Slip/ tuck stitch experiments 10/12
Knitting in pattern with 2 carriages vs color changer, Brother punchcard KMs 2 8/16
A shawl tale 2 4/17
Fall knits in my studio 11/14
Revisiting knit “bubbles” Brother KM 10/17
More play with dropped stitches 10/12
Yes, I am still making “spider shawls” ladder lace, holding 8/12
My newest lace patterns 7/12
Back in the saddle lace 5/12
My latest finished shawls lace 4/12
My latest shawl lace 12/11
The wonders of blocking 9/10 ladders, short rows

Wire Jewelry 
A UFO meets its end 3/09
More needle felting stage 1 3/09
It must be spring 4/09
The last in the series 4/09
New collars 7/09
Trying to coax a rectangle into a square 7/09
The latest in collar country 7/09
Love in an uncertain world 7/09
Staying botanical 8/09
Aaargh moments
Text problems within posts; WordPress issues 4/19

A new use for waste yarn 7/11
The “joys” of lace on the KM 3/12
They’re everywhere! 3/12

Art to wear movement knit artists: Where are they now? 12/11